PVA M - as a single component adhesive corresponds to durability class D2 and applied for gluing wood, paper products, cardboard, leather and fabrics. Suitable for gluing linoleum, carpet, facing tile, synthetic wall coatings on a paper basis, fiberglass, vinyl and paper wall coverings, cork, calico strip, building nets and bandages. Generally used for gluing decorative paper-laminated plastic to fibreboard, particle board, medium density fibreboard and to other materials. And also for augmentation of water resistance and for increase of hardness concrete, plaster and putty compositions. On properties is analog of Mowilith DLR of production Celanese - Germany.

Chemical properties
PVA M is aqueous polyvinyl acetate dispersion.
― Is easily applied on adherents
― Transparent and high elasticity of a film
― Forms an elastic glue line
― Stability to mechanical agitating
― Good water resistance and scrub resistance
― Low water absorption
― Is nontoxic, after drying the film does not evolve harmful materials
Ranges of application
PVA M – is general-purpose binder, mainly used for the following applications.
― Gluing windows and doors
― Manufacturing of a panel and mosaic parquets
― Manufacturing of dividing walls
― Manufacturing of ladders
― Gluing of sandwich plates
― Gluing of thorny joints
― Gluing of hard and tropical breeds of wood
― High-frequency gluing
Product specifications
The basic Technical Data of PVA M adhesive on TSh 64-15329272-01:2003 (with Change №1,2,3,4) and GOST 18992-80
The white viscous liquid, without lumps and foreign substances, with particle size 1-3 microns. The top skin is supposed.
Solids content
50 %
Brookfieldviscosity, (LVDV II+ PRO) sp. 63/20 rpm
6000 – 15000 cps
pH value
6.0 - 8.0
Minimum film forming temperature
approx + 3, °С
Glass transition temperature
approx + 18, °С
Gluing ability
500 (0.5) kgs/sm
Plasticizer content
Film properties
Film appearance
Resistance to ageing
Resistance to light
Before using the PVA M it is necessary to blend or shake up till homogeneous mass.
Bonding surfaces pretreat from dust, resin, fat stain and other contaminants. It should be thin on one of the gluing surface, thereafter connect with other and slightly press. At increased requirements to bond strength, the PVA M should coat on both bonded surfaces. As far as possible put them under press. Glue consumption makes 50-300 gr. on 1m² depending on the structure of bonded bases. Recommended temperature must not be below +10 °C, relative humidity above 80%.
In process of recycling should be provided effective ventilation and personal skin protection equipments and safety glasses. In case of eye/skin contact with a product rinse your eyes/skin in plenty of water. PVA M is nonhazardous. On toxic properties labels to 3 class - product is moderate dangerous.
PVA M should be stored in a tightly closed container in a dry place at temperature not below +5 °C. It should not be exposed to powerful heating and freezing. It has a shelf life of 12 months from the manufacturing date.
All PVA adhesives produced by the company are packaged in modern plastic containers in weight on 800 gr. and in industrial containers: plastic barrels with capacity from 40 to 60 kg. or steel barrels with capacity 200 kg., as well as in any other form of packaging under the agreement with consumer.
PVA M is transported in sealed plastic barrels (steel with plastic liner) at temperature not below +5 °C.